Keenia lapsed

Keenia rahvaarv kasvab igal aastal vähemalt 2,5 %. Lapsi on seal väga palju. Hoolimata kehvadest elustingimustest on lapsed rõõmsameelsed ning aktiivsed. Järgmine video räägib Keenia lastest. Keeleoskus pole vajalik!
The population of Kenya is growing at least 2.5% every year. There are many children! Despite the low living standard children are joyful and active. The next movie clip is about Kenyan children. No language skills needed!


The project is sponsored by SPORTLAND and videos are produced by ROSENVALD PHOTOGRAPHY.

This movie is the second out of nine which were produced in 2014 in Kenya. The movie clips introduce the local running culture, stories of Kenyan runners, eating habits, nature, experiences of Estonian runners in Kenya and more.
Next movie will be published on 05 June 2014.